Online Dating Products
![Advice and online dating products for men online dating products for men](/images/odmproducts2.gif)
Okay, I want to finish up what I started yesterday and tell you about the rest of the products I have for you now.
And guys, understand that I’m not doing this to sell you. YES, I’d LOVE IT if you buy them.
But I also want to you to get what’s best for you and be happy that you got something from me. 🙂
As the blog is getting more popular, guys are emailing me asking me what the best product for them is. Or they are asking me make a product, sometimes it’s a product that I already have.
So, here is the good, the bad, and the ugly about the stuff you can buy from me if you want…
![Online dating products for texting women Texting girls to build attraction](/images/twproducts.gif)
This is a great product. I think it’s the best on the market for texting girls. I bought 4 texting products from other guys, and I thought the one from Matt Artisan was really good.
Personally, I like Matt Artisan. He’s a good guy, he’s real, and he really likes helping guys get good with women. Plus, he knows his stuff when it comes to texting.
So, we did an interview and besides giving some great texts, he talks about what it takes to improve your game.
I think this is a great product for guys who want to attract women with their text messages. But it’s also great just to see how we think as we talk about different situations with girls from approaching to escalating the conversation.
There is major “problem” with this product though, and that has to do with realistic expectations. Texting is a means to an end. You use texting to set up a call. Or you can increase attraction and create a really exciting, adventurous, attractive frame with your text messages.
BUT you’re not going to get a girl to jump in the sack with you because you write her great texts. We wish it was that easy. 🙂
Oh… some guys have told me that Matt kinda plugs his website a little bit. But it’s understandable.
I didn’t give him anything for his time or the interview. He just did it for the publicity and because he’s passionate about his coaching. If he’s excited about being able to help you and lets you know how to get in touch with him, I think that’s great!
![Spying on your online dating competition Spying on your online dating competition](/images/gcproducts.gif)
Going Covert On Your Competition:
This is a pdf over 1,000 messages that guys sent to one of my fake profiles. It gives you a great feel for what other guys are telling women, their tactics, and their methods.
BUT, most of them suck. There are some great messages you can use word-for-word, but for the most part it’s a lesson in what not to do.
The thing I’ve used it for the most is being able to understand what girls on online dating sites go through. It lets me into her world and gives me “insider information” to talk to women about. They love that I understand them.
It’s great for understanding what your competition is and what a woman’s world is like, but you aren’t going to get a lot of great messages.
I’d say this would be great if you ever wondered what techniques guys are using to talk to women. Or if you considered making a fake profile of your own. It’s a pain in the ass setting up a fake email account, writing the profile, getting pictures, and filling out all the information on sign-up. It’s worth the 7 bucks.
![Dating products for men dating products for men](/images/nrproducts.gif)
This is a 14 minute mp3 that has relaxing background music and uses NLP to re-program your mind. It’s great for getting specific thought patterns into your subconscious, and I chose thought patterns that women find incredibly attractive.
It’s worked great for some guys, and has been useless for other guys. You need to be able to visualize to use the audio. So if you are creative and imaginative, this will work for you. But if your mind just doesn’t work that way, New Realities would be a waste.
Okay, with the post here, and yesterday’s post that’s all the products I have for you at this point. Take a look at the product page to see if I’ve added anything since writing this though.
Talk to you later, and thanks again for reading my blog, sending me your questions, buying my stuff and using it!