Cocky funny advice for your emails to women
There’s a lot of talk these days about being cocky funny in your emails to women you meet online. Well, that does work to some extent, but I’ll reserve my judgment and critique of that approach for another day.
Instead I’d like to touch on a couple of things that you need to keep in mind when you do that. First off, you need to be extra careful to make sure you keep things light and playful. Since the she can’t read your tone, it’s easy to come off as a cocky jerk to the woman you’re messaging. And the cocky a**hole persona just is not going to work.
People like to say that nice guys don’t ever get the girl. That’s false. The fact is that the guys who are the most successful with women are nice. But here’s the catch: they’re also confident and strong. You need to be strong. The difference isn’t between being a nice guy and being an asshole, the difference is between being a strong guy and being a weak guy.
What a woman really wants is a nice guy who’s strong, who’s got balls, who will stand up to her, who has confidence, who won’t take her shit. The most attractive male persona is someone who has the long term potential of a nice guy with the wild adventurous streak of a bad boy.
Even if that isn’t your persona, that’s what we’re going to shoot for…that’s the ideal.
There are some things that DO NOT work when creating this persona.
Acting desperate.
Kissing her ass.
Trying to impress her.
Looking for her approval or needing her approval.
Putting her on a pedestal.
Going into an interaction hoping that she’ll like you.
Looking for common ground right away.
Telling her how pretty she is.
Letting her know her how attractive you find her.
Doing whatever she asks.
I know that is just a quick list…but, for now, keep them in the forefront of your mind and avoid doing them. Just have the mind-set that you are the prize and keep things light, playful and fun.
To see some information about how to make your profile pop and get responses (so that you have the opportunity to make email exchanges with women!), read more here.
I once heard that your relationship with your father
affects who you are interested in. That if you have a bad
relationship with your father, you will have an odd taste in potential boyfriends/husbands.
Is this true? And if so, how does your relationship with your father affect
who you are interested in?.
Meh, I don’t really know if that’s true or not. I’d certainly say that a girl’s relationship with her dad is going to effect the guys she chooses, but I really don’t think you have to factor that in much when seducing someone.
There are much more important things than her dad to factor in when planning a seduction.
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