Cocky and funny lines
![David DeAngelo founder of cocky funny David DeAngelo teaching cocky and funny lines at a seminar](/images/david-deangelo.jpg)
David DeAngelo teaching cocky and funny lines at a seminar
David DeAngelo came out with Double Your Dating in 2001 and introduced the world to using cocky and funny lines.
Since then he’s made mega-bucks on it.
I’m not sure of the exact numbers from this and his other products, but at a marketing seminar Eben Pagan (that’s DeAngelo’s real name) said that he made $10,000,000…that’s $10 million dollars… just in 2006 alone.
So, whether cocky funny sayings work or not, it sure has been profitable for Mr. David DeAngelo.
And I’m going to tell you something here that no one else has the balls to tell you…
Humor doesn’t make a woman attracted to you.
Yeah, you heard me right. Getting a girl to laugh at you doesn’t get her attracted to you.
I can HEAR you screaming “JT, what the heck are you talking about?!?!?!”
Calm down… stop yelling… I’ll explain…
Yes, I know every woman we ever meet, every female friend we’ve ever had, and every online dating profile we’ve ever read says “I find a sense of humor attractive.”
Well, I’m going to let you in on a little secret about cocky and funny…
![women laughing, but is it from cocky funny lines? Women laughing, but is it because the guy is using cocky and funny lines?](
She doesn't find a guy with a sense of humor attractive… It's the other way around - she's attracted to him FIRST, then she laughs and thinks the guy has a good sense of humor.
Let me say that again so it sticks… she’s doesn’t laugh at some guy and then become attracted to him. She’s attracted to him so she laughs.
Laughter is the effect, not the cause.
How many times have you seen some guy talking the most boring, inane, stupid crap… and the girl he’s with is giggling and laughing away like some giddy little hen?
Now, that girl might tell you that he has a “great sense of humor.” But we both know…
That guy is NOT funny.
She’s laughing because she’s already attracted to him.
I have friends who are funny… hilarious actually… and girls say how much fun they are to be around. But guess where those guys land? Smack dab in the middle of friend’s zone.
Then you have guys like me who aren’t all that funny, aren’t known for our sense of humor, don’t have cocky funny stories… and we have more women than we know what to do with.
Think about the guys YOU know who do really well with women.
Seriously, think about that right now.
See… those guys aren’t funny. Yes, women laugh at them, but it’s not because the guy has a good sense of humor, it’s because the girl think he’s attractive.
So, if we really don’t have to be cocky and funny to get women, if we don’t have to use cocky and funny lines, and we don’t have to have a bunch of memorized cocky funny sayings… why does everyone think it works?
Well, that’s an interesting story…
Way back when in the age of dinosaurs when this pickup thing first started taking off on the internet, David DeAngelo “shocked the community” with his ideas on cocky comedy and how to use cocky and funny lines to meet women.
The whole pickup thing was in its infancy.
No one really knew what worked and what didn’t.
But along came this guy who said he had the answers, and who was great at marketing… and lo-and-behold… the cocky funny approach became the way of the pickup artist.
It was talked about, discussed and tried out. It even worked for a few guys with really specific personalities. (But not because cocky funny pick up lines work, because these guys were hitting other attraction triggers by accident.)
But what made cocky & funny believable was when the mainstream media picked up the idea… even before it was tested and proven. I mean it made sense right? EVERY girl likes a guy with a good sense of humor, just ask them.
So no one even asks “Is this really working?” They just assume it’s true. It’s like the world being flat or the sun revolving around the earth… no one even questions it… of course the world is flat. Duh. Of course cocky comedy works. Duh.
Well, I’m calling bs on this theory that cocky and funny jokes and a good sense of humor get women attracted to you. (More about this here.)
I did an interview with Travis James at where we talk about this and a whole lot more. We get into what really makes women attracted to you, how you can be successful with women, and the secrets to a successful relationship. We’re having it edited for you now, so we can get it to you next week.
Now, David DeAngelo has a couple of good programs, but his cocky funny openers and cocky funny lines are better left to the gullible.
Click here for what I think are some great principles for meeting women and being an attractive man.