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9 fast ways to get new girlfriends like playboy’s Hugh Hefner

Mention the name Hugh Hefner and most men start to drool.

We all know “The Hef” has every man’s dream life, but how does he do it?

How in the world does an 85-year old man live with 5 to 8 girlfriends at any one time in his infamous Playboy Mansion?

How does a guy as old as Don Rickels, Dick Van Dyke or the Queen of England get multiple, nubile girlfriends? What in the world makes him so attractive?

Even better, how does a guy get so many single girls as a married man (yep, it’s true – Hef’ never officially divorced from his second wife)?

You’re probably thinking his success is directly related to the size of his bank account. And that might be true. But I found it goes WAY deeper than that.

I’m a professional dating coach. I help guys win girls over. And I decided to sort of “reverse engineer” Hugh Hefner’s dating secrets and list all of “Mr. Playboy’s” tactics here for your inspection…

Here’s my Top 9 list of secrets that help Hugh Hefner win young girls over:

Create a mystery about yourself
Whether it’s fair or not, the VAST majority of women are attracted to men of mystery. Hefner fits the bill as his life is beyond interesting.

After all, he’s the cousin of both President George W. Bush and Senator John Kerry (ninth cousins, twice removed). He’s also the 11th generation, direct descendant of Wiilam Bradford (who came over to American on the Mayflower).

In 1963, Hefner was arrested in Chicago for possessing “indecent” photos of actress Jayne Mansfield.

He owns the burial vault next to Marilyn Monroe’s. She is interred at Westwood Memorial Park in Los Angeles… in the Corridor of Memories (crypt #24).

At one time he owned a 119-foot long DC-9 jet called the “Big Bunny”. The jet was painted black with the well-known white playboy bunny logo on its tail. This plane was equipped with a galley, living room, disco, movie and video equipment, wet bar and sleeping quarters for up to 16 guests.

Hefner has around-the-clock kitchen staff to serve him his meals on a tray in bed.

He played a major role in the James Bond short story “A Midsummer Night’s Doom” by Raymond Benson.

He even has a species of rabbit named in his honor (Sylvilagus palustris hefneri).

Playboy Bunny
Playboy Bunny logo.

As you might imagine, when women hear about Hugh Hefner, they’re VERY fascinated and intrigued. They’re imagining trading in their so-so life in exchange for living the high life with Mr. Hefner.

Grow your ears bigger (pun intended)
Rabbit have big ears. And it’s no coincidence that Hefner’s brand is portrayed by a rabbit.

Ask any girl why they like their guy and they almost always say, “He’s always listening to me.”

Hefner is a good talker. But he’s a GREAT listener. And his girlfriends really dig this.

Smell great
It’s STUNNING how many guys fail the “sniff test” – and body odor is a surefire way to repel women.

Take a shower. It’s the fast and easy way to score extra credit with the ladies.

Be funny (without being mean)
Hefner owns a great sense of humor.

According to dating author David DeAngelo, most women LOVE a guy who likes to yuck it up.

Telling a joke is like mixing a new adult beverage. Get the mixture right, and it’s awesome. But get it wrong and it fails real bad.

Hugh Hefner
Hugh Hefner and his Playboy Playmates

I borrow the best jokes and use them as my own. I find the best source of funny lines comes from watching a comedian’s live performances. I visit YouTube and listen to audience reactions. Those jokes getting the biggest laughs go into my “joke swipe file”. Then I’ll visit a bar (see tip below) and try it out in front of a few people. If it rocks, I keep it. When it bombs, I delete it.

Keep at it and soon you’re going to have a never-ending bag full of comedy.

Visit a bar on Sunday afternoon
According to social anxiety coach Travis James, one way to practice becoming a great listener is to visit a bar on a Sunday afternoon around 4 o’clock. That’s when the talkers show up.

Just hang out. Make quick eye contact. And In no time, you’re going to have a bunch of people complaining about life. And they’re going to look around the bar for eager listeners.

Practice smiling and nodding… doing so is a guaranteed way to get people to talk to you.

Unearth the charm inside of you
Let’s be honest… Hugh Hefner is a charmer (even in the worst of circumstances). He’s smooth and doesn’t get rattled easily.

One time, he was attacked by a feminist. Instead of getting into a no-win debate, he calmly answered her questions. About 15 minutes into the interview, the attacker was disarmed. In the end, Hefner made it seem like they were becoming quick friends.

If you’re a normal guy who isn’t a smooth talker, there is good news. You can take advantage of little social nuances that go on between people. These under-the-radar, tiny clues reveal women’s true feelings. And when you pickup on these indicators, you can respond in just the right way (and ultimately win almost any girl over).

This guide shows you the secrets to using attraction triggers to win girls over.

Use this flirting tactic to score women
We’ve all heard that women lust for men who are either married or have a girlfriend. This “social proof” subconsciously reveals that you’re “preapproved”.

Hugh Hefner girlfriends

Hugh Hefner and his girlfriendsHugh Hefner’s long list of current and ex-girlfriends gives the appearance that he’s been “pre-screened” by other women… thereby “proving” he’s worthy and desirable. Hefner’s adored by some of the most beautiful women in the world, because women on the “outside” of his “club” want to be on the “inside.”

If you haven’t dated young attractive girls in the past, you can get around this by communicating by flirting with them. When you have a certain undertone of sexuality and flirtatiousness, women sense it. And these same women are going to ASSUME that you’re comfortable with women and that you’ve dated attractive women simply BECAUSE you communicate sexually.

Shoot for a higher social status
There are 7 “Universal Attraction Triggers” for women. Social status is one of the top 3. The higher up the social ladder a guy is, the more attractive he seems to be.

Hefner is at the top of his social circle and has his pick of the litter (so to speak). Now, for those of us who don’t own a world famous mansion or have influential social contacts, what can we do to increase our status?

I suggest you…

Be more confident
Hefner is a very confident guy.

He radiates a calm, yet strong sense of power and control.

Hefner knows what he wants and makes no excuses on his way to getting it. His belief in himself gives strength to the women in his life. He’s strong in his beliefs… even when facing incredible opposition. And he apologizes to no one.

Projecting confidence is something that you can do, too. The key is to become relaxed in all kinds of situations – KNOWING that you can handle anything that comes your way. It’s the feeling you get when you know beyond the shadow of a doubt that you can take care of yourself and those around you.

Bottom line: There’s no reason for you to struggle with attracting a new girlfriend. If you’re ready to win the online dating game, your might want to grab this guide with online dating tips, techniques and methods.