
"Discover the secrets of texting
that only the masters know...

And start seducing women with text messages!

texting women


f you've ever sat there staring at your phone not knowing what to say...

Drawing a complete blank...

At a total loss. Wishing you had a fun, interesting text to send your girl.

But instead you just send some boring text, knowing that you can do better if you just knew what to say...

Well, you're not alone, a lot of guys just haven't figured out how to text gilrs to make them attracted.

They send messages that BORE WOMEN TO TEARS:

  • "How are you doing today?" (even when they know the girl well)
  • "What's new? I just wanted to say hi. :)"
  • "Hey, what's up? :)"

I used to be the exact same way. I had a girl I really liked and things were going well. I sent her a few texts to see how she was doing. I thought I was being nice and showing her that I cared.

Nope, she disappeared. Later friends told me I was boring her to death with my text messages.

I was embarrassed in front of my friends...
I lost the girl...
I was disappointed in myself... Humiliated...
In that moment, I knew I needed to get help (and fast)...

So I looked for and expert on the texting game and found Matt Artisan, THE master of text messaging. Yes, the same guy who won the Text and Phone Game Award at the 2010 Pickup Artist Summit and wrote "The Ultimate Guide to Texting Gilrs". He's taught literally thousands of guys how to write fun, flirty texts that make women respond to you. I tried his methods... and all of a sudden women were answering my texts, flirting with me, and asking ME out.

I asked him if he could do an interview and share his most closely guarded secrets to texting and women. And now, I'm offering these methods to you so you can discover how to send fun, interesting texts that have women excited to hear from you... And listen in as he reveals his cutting edge techniques for meeting women...

texting women

You'll get over an hour with Matt as I pick his brain for texts and theory on women... Plus my notes. And transcripts of the entire interview...

Inside you'll discover:

   tic A fun text to send when you first get a girl's number that creates a sexual frame right from the start. This message is fun, flirty and gets your girl playing along.

   tic How to use your text messages to tell if a girl is interested in you or not. (Use this method and she won't even know you're doing it... you risk nothing and there is no chance of rejection.)

   tic Over 30 fill-in-the-blank text templates to use in ANY situation you're in:

  • When you just want to say a quick hello and get her thinking about you
  • When you know she's testing you
  • When she doesn't answer your texts
  • Before your date to get her excited to see you
  • After going out so she keeps thinking about you
  • When you haven't talked to her for awhile and you want to get things rolling again
  • When you want to let her know you're thinking of her without sounding desperate or needy

And it's not all about texting! You'll also get cutting edge tips to meet women:

   tic A word-for-word 3 step method to get a woman's phone number within 4 minutes of meeting her. I used a technique very similar to this for years with huge success, but this one works even better...

   tic What to say when you're with a woman and there's that awkward silence that leaves a pit in your stomach (This technique has the conversation amped up and flowing again in seconds)...

   tic Go from a normal conversation to getting a kiss in 3 questions ... This is a bullet-proof way to get a kiss with no risk...

    How to move from normal conversation to her sharing her most intimate secrets with you in minutes. (Using this creates a deep bond for a woman so you have to use it with caution)...

   tic The 3 parts of becoming the Multi-dimensional Man that no woman can resist...

Plus, how to recognize the danger signs that you're about to be put in "let's just be friends" zone, AND how to recover...

Here's your answer to texting and attracting women...

Matt has invested thousands of hours testing and re-testing his texts and methods on women from all walks of life. He's taken his best techniques and strategies to give you word-for-word texts and methods to become a master with women.

For me this means I'm not standing there feeling like an idiot wondering what to text to keep the conversation going. I don't feel like I'm "just not getting it" anymore. I don't need to worry about a girl turning her head or pulling away when I go to kiss her. No more feeling lost as my heart races, my palms sweat, and my mind goes blank.

But, this isn't for everyone.

If you're looking for a big, rah-rah guide with fancy intro music, recording studio sound, and half-cocked ideas, this is not for you.

But if you want experts advice to make you better with women and real ideas that work in the real world, then this is EXACTLY what you want.

Here's the bottom line: If you aren't getting women excited to meet up with you... or your texts don't build sexual tension... or you run out of things to say on the phone or in person... or you don't know how to be sure to get a girl to kiss you... then this guide gives you REAL answers you can use immediately, within minutes, to start attracting more women.

For just $49, you get over an hour with Matt as he gives away his newest, best texts and lets you in on the secrets of attracting women... Plus my notes on the interview that include even more of Matt's texts... And you'll get written transcripts of our entire coversation.

You'd be crazy not to invest in yourself. For less than a half a tank of gas, you'll know what to say to your girl and win her over.

Claim your copy right now!

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Yes JT! I Want To Use These Proven Texts And Start Getting Women Right Away!

ticI'm ready to to grab your Texting Women System (including the your done-for-me texts so I don't have to "write" anything at all) right now.

ticIn less than an minute from now I will have INSTANT access to JT's entire Texting Women System that will show me step by step how to get to seduce women with the push of a button.

I also understand that this system gets fast results an is easy for ANY guy to use, and that it will take me just a few short minutes per day.

Enter your name and email, then click the big orange "Add To Cart" button and you'll be taken to a secure page where you can complete your order and get instant access to Texting Women.

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This "weird" system for attracting women will have you confidentally texting one woman after another, even if you don't know what to say, consider yourself shy, or haven't talked the girl in months. These texts have been tested over and over and are based on simple facts about how a woman's sexual mind works that you've probably never understood before now. You'll want to read this entire letter to see for yourself how to use this system to meet more women!

Click here if you're still not sure