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NLP and Online Dating

The Basics of NLP

Change your thinking with Nero-lingusitic-programming

NLP is the fastest way to change the way you think and how you process things. What little I've done with it has been amazing.

Okay… one of the keys to online dating success is to have the right mind-set. Actually, the right thinking is critical to just about everything we do, but in the world of women and relationships, it’s essential that you’re thinking and doing the right things.

Today we’re going to take a look at a couple of the best ways to get your thinking about online dating right.

First of all, I want to tell you a couple of things that most guys are doing wrong and them I’m going to give you one belief… and a way to get that belief into your sub-conscious… that eliminates all these problems…

• They try too hard to make a connection with a woman.
• They come across as desperate and needy.
• They say the same things that every other guy says in their messages and profile.

The easy solution?

Have an attitude that you are the prize. That you are the best thing that could ever happen to her. That it’s a privilege for a woman to be able to spend her time with you and have your attention.

Now… I realize this thought process might be a little different than what you’re thinking now. it sure was for me when I first heard it. but, after making this my attitude, I can tell you that it was one of the best attitudes I ever adopted for making women be attracted to me.

It took a long time for me to get this into my subconscious though, and I wanted to find a way to make it happen a lot faster with the guys I was working with… I wanted them to have it part of who they were in a matter of days.

So, I started taking a look at the fastest techniques to making lasting change in people. That lead me to NLP.

You’ve probably heard of it, but if not… it’s basically a way of re-programming your thoughts for success. Or in cases of behaviors you want to get rid of, de-programming your mind to ease those things from your consciousness.

Most importantly, NLP works if you have the right person teaching you the techniques. And you have to be careful that you are learning from the right guys because like with any popularized technique, a lot of garbage gets on the market by people who don’t understand how to apply the stuff.

Introduction to Neuro-lingistic programming book cover

This is a great little book and you can pick it up on Amazon for like $5.00

So, the best thing you can do to get this stuff down so you can use it with your online dating is to read Joseph O’Connor and John Seymour’s book “Introducing Nero-Linguistic Programming”.

It’s a 250-some page book, written so it’s fairly easy to follow, that shows you how to quickly and easily program any mindset or attitude into your subconscious. It’s simply amazing.

Now, if you don’t want to read the book, that’s fine. I’ll give you a few things here, and if you’re interested, you can get my New Realities audio that has a 12 minute subliminal reprogramming program.

Basically, NLP targets the way your brain processes and stores information to access those parts of our minds and change the way we process. It can be used to create any emotion in you or another person. you can use it to redefine memories and erase beliefs that hold you back. NLP is great for getting you into the flow or into the zone.

When I first heard about this stuff years ago, I thought it was garbage. Now I believe in it so much that I think it’s unethical to use in some situations because it’s so effective.

NLP relies to a large part on imagery and visualization, which makes it incredibly powerful to use when online dating or with seduction in general. But, the application we’re dealing with here is to change your thinking patterns, and there is no better, faster way to do it than with NLP. So get Introducing Neuro-Linguistic Programming or New Realities, and re-program yourself for success.

I also have a 4 part audio series, ebook, and bonuses on how to succeed at online dating. You can get it here…